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Grilled Cheese and Chutney Sandwiches

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Grilled Cheese Mango Chutney Sandwich 2 edited

I didn’t know what to eat for lunch today.  I wanted something quick and there weren’t any leftovers of anything.  I made my Easy Homemade Mexican Chorizo yesterday.  While it is phenomenal tasting, it’s obviously not a stand-alone meal.

I opened the fridge and saw a homely loaf of bread (yeah, the artisan stuff was gone).  I remember my husband Todd had made a grilled cheese sandwich last night as an evening snack.  Didn’t sound that great to me at the moment.  But then I saw it.  My pot of homemade Indian Mango Chutney.  Bingo!  A grilled Cheddar cheese sandwich slathered with mango chutney…now that sounded good!

And ohhhhh it was.

This combination transformed that homely bread into a work of art!

Grilled Cheese & Chutney Sandwich.  Here is yet another way to put this delicious homemade mango chutney to use.  (See also Mango Chutney Chicken)

A quick and easy lunch or snack.

Simply get out that homemade Indian Mango Chutney… (Or some store-bought mango chutney if you must.)

Grilled Cheese Chutney Sandwich prep 1

Spread it on one side of the bread and layer some Cheddar cheese on the other and close the sandwich.

Grilled Cheese Chutney Sandwich prep 2

Heat some butter in a pan over medium heat and fry the sandwich on both sides until golden brown.

Grilled Cheese Chutney Sandwich prep 3

Cut your hot, crispy and oozing sandwich in half and enjoy!

Grilled Cheese Mango Chutney Sandwich 2_edited

Grilled Cheese Chutney Sandwich 3_edited 2

kimberly killebrew the daring gourmet

Hi, I’m Kimberly Killebrew and welcome to Daring Gourmet where you'll find delicious originals, revitalized classics, and simply downright good eats from around the world! Originally from Germany, later raised in England, world-traveled, and now living in the U.S., from my globally-influenced kitchen I invite you to tour the world through your taste buds!

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  1. I love your mango chutney with roast lamb, hot or cold, but have to say I eat most of it paired with a sharp cheddar and crusty bread. Never thought to grill it though so will be trying that as soon as the batch I’ve got on the stove cools down.
    Ps there’s a thing called Coronation Chicken. I bet it would be great in that too.

  2. There was a veggie sandwich that had a mango chutney mayonnaise lettuce, tomato sprouts and avocado. It was excellent.I am trying to recreate it. This look like a great start.

  3. This does sound appealing to me, gonna give it a try for the Sunday lunch at church this Sunday. I think it will go well with Veggie & Potato soup, what do you think??

  4. I made this last Friday (with my fancy home-made Daring Gourmet mango chutney) when I made regular grilled cheese for my kids. It was a fun grown-up change to our regular sandwiches.

  5. These look delicious! Currently the only food it seems my children will eat is grilled cheese sandwiches. I’ll have to give these specific ones a try.

    We tried some meat with our cheese: foodpantryfeasts.blogspot.com/2013/03/breakfast-rolls.html?m=0

    1. Thank for the compliment, Nick! Since posting my recipe for homemade mango chutney, I’ve been trying to come up with additional ideas for how to use it. This was one of them and more will come. Thanks for visiting!