Home » Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Germany’s Medieval Fairytale Town

Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Germany’s Medieval Fairytale Town

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About 90 minutes north of where I’m from in Southern Germany lies a small village that was one of my favorite destinations growing up, especially during Christmas time.  It is Germany’s famous medieval walled town with sites you’d think were taken straight out of a fairytale book:  Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

A Brief History of Rothenburg ob Der Tauber

Rothenburg ob der Tauber has a long history with traces of settlements going back to the 9th century and possibly even earlier with Celtic inhabitants.  The town’s name was first recorded around 950 AD as “Rotinbure” and it was in 1070 that the Comburg-Rothenburg counts built a castle on a hill overlooking the Tauber River, marking the foundation of Rothenburg as we know it.  Fast forward a hundred years and the town center was established with the marketplace and St. James’ Church.   The town walls and towers were then constructed in the 13th century to provide protection.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

In 1274, Emperor Rudolph I granted Rothenburg the status of a “Free Imperial City,” giving it significant autonomy and independence within the Holy Roman Empire and it was from that period onward that the town began to flourish as a trade center and many of the iconic buildings still standing today were constructed, including the Gothic Town Hall and the Plönlein lookout tower.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Then the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) struck but miraculously Rothenburg was spared complete destruction.  It continued through the Industrial Revolution largely untouched and managed to preserve its medieval charm.  Rothenburg suffered some damage during World War II but has since been meticulously restored.

Today, Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a popular tourist destination, renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture, cobblestone streets, and fairytale-like atmosphere.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Step into a Fairytale: Wandering Through Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Imagine a town plucked straight from the pages of a Brothers Grimm story. Half-timbered houses adorned with flowers overflow cobbled streets, defensive towers pierce the sky, and a winding river gurgles below. This isn’t a figment of your imagination; it’s Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a medieval masterpiece nestled in Bavaria, Germany.

Time seems to stand still within Rothenburg’s ancient walls. Every corner unveils a story, whether the gabled Town Hall overlooking the bustling Marktplatz, the famed Plönlein (“small square at a fountain”) with its postcard-perfect crooked yellow half timber house, or the stained-glass windows of Saint Jakobskirche shimmering in the sunlight.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Rothenburg ob der Tauber offers a feast for the senses, with enchanting sights, captivating history, and delectable local flavors.  The scent of freshly baked pretzels mingles with the smell of smoky cured sausages.  Carriages clip-clop past on cobblestone streets and street performers serenade you centuries-old melodies. Every house is a work of art, adorned with colorful window boxes and intricate carvings that whisper tales of long-forgotten guilds and merchants.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

The Old Town: A Time Capsule of History

The heart of Rothenburg is its meticulously preserved Old Town, surrounded by fortified walls that have stood for centuries. As you wander through the winding streets, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a fairytale. The charming half-timbered houses, adorned with colorful flowers and hanging baskets, create a picturesque scene straight from a storybook.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

The Market Square, or Marktplatz, serves as the central hub of the town. Here, the imposing Town Hall with its clock tower and the iconic St. George’s Fountain provide a captivating backdrop. The square is not just a feast for the eyes but also a vibrant hub for local markets, festivals, and events throughout the year.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to seeRothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

A Walk on the Wall: Panoramic Views

For a unique perspective of Rothenburg, take a stroll along the town walls. The fortified wall offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, allowing you to appreciate the well-preserved medieval architecture from a different vantage point. The walk is particularly magical during sunrise or sunset when the warm hues of the sun bathe the town in a golden glow.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

You can also climb the 227 steps of the 200-feet tall Rathausturm (town hall tower) to enjoy a vantage point that takes in the Tauber River and stunning panoramic views of the town.

The St. James Church: A Gothic Masterpiece

Rothenburg boasts several historic churches, but the St. James Church (St. Jakobskirche in German) stands out as a true Gothic masterpiece.  Construction on the church began in 1311 and the intricate woodcarvings of the altar, the celestial blue ceiling, and the stunning stained glass windows create an awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

A Glimpse of a Darker Past

And for a glimpse into Rothenburg’s darker past, you can descend into the labyrinthine Historical Vault once used as a dungeon and torture chamber.  I toured the Medieval Crime Museum at least twice during my childhood/teens and it certainly left a lasting impression (i.e., I was traumatized)!  Gruesome yet informative exhibits showcase the various instruments of punishment used during this era.  It’s chilling but for medieval history buffs it’s a must-see.

Historic Fountains

Rothenburg boasts a beautiful collection of historic fountains, something that always captivated my interest and imagination each time we visited.   These fountains weren’t just decorative, though decorative they are; they were essential sources of water for centuries, especially before the establishment of a centralized water supply.

Herrenbrunnen (Lord’s Fountain): Dating back to 1406, this Gothic masterpiece is the oldest fountain in Rothenburg. Adorned with intricate sculptures depicting the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, his wife Elizabeth, and the four electors, it stands proudly in the Market Square, a silent sentinel witnessing the town’s daily rhythms.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

St. Georgsbrunnen (St. George’s Fountain): This imposing Renaissance fountain, erected in 1608, dominates the Market Square with its 8-meter height and 100,000-liter capacity. The centerpiece is a bronze statue of St. George slaying a dragon, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Johannisbrunnen (St. John’s Well): Nestled near the Plönlein lookout, this charming fountain dates back to 1607. Its graceful Renaissance-style column topped with a statue of John the Baptist holding a lamb embodies the blessing of water.

Roderbrunnen (Roder Fountain): Located on a quiet lane, this unassuming fountain served as a vital water source for centuries. Its simple design, featuring a stone basin and wrought-iron pump, speaks of a time when life revolved around these precious drops.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Culinary Delights: Savoring the Local Flavors

Exploring Rothenburg is not just a visual delight; it’s also a treat for the taste buds. You can indulge in traditional German cuisine at one of the several cozy restaurants lining the narrow streets. Enjoy such local favorites as a hearty Bratwurst with steaming Sauerkraut, a crispy Schnitzel or Jägerschnitzel with Pommes, Rouladen or  Sauerbraten with Kartoffelklöße, German Goulash (Rindergulasch) with Semmelknödel, Kartoffelpuffer with apple sauce, and when plums are in season, a slice of German Plum Cake (Zwetschgenkuchen).

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

And you’ll also need to sample Rothenburg’s famous Schneeballen, a Bavarian speciality that dates back at least 400 years and is made from strips of short-crust pastry woven into a ball, deep-fried, and dusted with powdered sugar or dipped in chocolate.

schneeballen snowballs pastries Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany Bavaria

Festivals and Events: A Year-Round Celebration

Rothenburg ob der Tauber hosts a variety of festivals and events that add to the town’s lively atmosphere. The Christmas Market, with its festive lights and seasonal treats, is particularly famous, drawing visitors from around the world. Other events, such as the Historisches Festspiel (“Historical Festival”), features medieval reenactments, parades, and performances such as its famous historic play, “Meistertrunk” (“Master Draught”) which likewise attracts thousands of visitors.

If you’re lucky enough to visit during the holiday season, my favorite time to visit, you’ll fall in love with the charm of this medieval village decorated with ribbons, wreaths, and bathed in the soft glow of Christmas lights.  The Christmas Market fills the town with dazzling lights, delectable treats, and heartwarming traditions.  While Rothenburg’s Christmas market certainly isn’t one of the largest in Germany, in my opinion it’s the most charming.   Warm your soul with a mug of Glühwein or Kinderpunsch along with some Magenbrot and Gebrannte Mandeln as you stroll through the enchanting Christmas Market.

One of my favorite places to visit as a kid was Käthe Wohlfahrt’s flagship store where you can experience some of that Christmas magic all year round.  A huge 18 foot tall wooden Christmas pyramid stands at the center of the store along with an equally tall Christmas tree.  You can easily lose track of time wandering the store surrounded by thousands upon thousands of Christmas ornaments and decorations.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to seeKäthe Wohlfahrt store in Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany


Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a stunningly picturesque town that captivates the imagination and offers a step back in time. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a romantic at heart, or simply seeking a unique travel experience, Rothenburg promises to be an unforgettable journey through the pages of medieval history.  With its well-preserved medieval architecture, cobblestone streets, beautiful half timber buildings, and enchanting atmosphere, Rothenburg is a true gem that must be experienced.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see

Tips for Visiting Rothenburg ob der Tauber:

  • Explore early: The town gets crowded, especially during peak season. Rise and shine to capture its charm before the tour buses arrive.
  • Walk the walls: Don’t miss the unique perspective from the town walls, offering panoramic views and hidden nooks.
  • Savor the local flavors: From hearty Franconian fare to sweet Schneeballen, indulge in the local culinary delights.
  • Night Watchman’s Tour: For a glimpse of Rothenburg at night you can join a lantern-lit walk with the town’s Night Watchman and hear historical tales and spooky legends under the moonlit sky.
  • Plönlein Perfection:  Don’t forget Rothenburg’s most famous photo op, the iconic postcard view of the half-timbered houses framing the Plönlein archway. It’s a must-have photo for any Rothenburg visit!
  • Christmas Village Extravaganza:  Rothenburg is stunning any time of the year, but my personal favorite time to visit is during the Christmas season.  That is when Rothenburg is at its most magical.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany overview introduction reasons to visit what to see


kimberly killebrew the daring gourmet

Hi, I’m Kimberly Killebrew and welcome to Daring Gourmet where you'll find delicious originals, revitalized classics, and simply downright good eats from around the world! Originally from Germany, later raised in England, world-traveled, and now living in the U.S., from my globally-influenced kitchen I invite you to tour the world through your taste buds!

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  1. What a beautiful town I have been their 2 times and loved the food beer fresh pastries and just walking the town

  2. I have always wanted to visit Germany, and now after seeing your posts, it’s moved to the top of my bucket list! Looks so fun and magical; loved reading your post!

  3. This is so fascinating! I’d never heard of this town before but it’s gone straight on the ‘must visit’ list :-)

  4. Rothenburg ob der Tauber sounds absolutely enchanting! I’ve heard so much about its picturesque medieval charm and how it seems like something out of a fairytale. Exploring its cobblestone streets and historic buildings must feel like stepping back in time. And I can only imagine how magical it must be during Christmas time, with all the festive decorations and holiday spirit filling the air. It’s wonderful to have such cherished memories of a place with such rich history and beauty.

  5. What a charming place! I love the old town feel and the Käthe Wohlfahrt’s store looks absolutely amazing! Thanks for the detailed review!